Visit to the farthest villages of Ndunyuriwo and Dam Mbili, for Sunday Mass and also for checking on some development projects, together with some members and the President of MWANGA NGO Mwanga Onlus, Stefania Beccaro, from Padua, Italy.
Especially at Ndunyuriwo much is going on currently. Mwanga, through our School Support Program, is sponsoring 2 PERMANENT CLASSROOMS and new TOILETS, funded by ‘8xmille’ of Waldesian Church. With Mwanga we are about to commence the works for a BORE HOLE serving the school and the local community.
At the same time Ndunyuriwo Pry is building another CLASSROOM sponsored by CDF and a NURSERY classroom sponsored by Laikipia County Government, whereas Safaricom is already installing a BOOSTER for communication. The County has also completed a new dam nearby for water reserve. This cooperation of several sponsors is going to bring a great impact for school development and for the local community in such a remote area.
Sunday 5 January 2025, Laikipia, Kenya.
#saintmarkolmoran #schoolsupportprogram #mwangaonlus