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Parish Music Festival 2014
Sat 28 June
Overpowering P.M.C. (=Pontifical Missionary Children) Parish Music Festivals 2014! Set Piece, Position 1: Ol Moran; Own Composition, Pos. 1: Magadi; Folk Songs, Pos. 1: Louniek; 2: Ol Moran; 3: Magadi; 4: Nagum; 5: Ol Donyo Ariwo. Next month: competition at Ng’arua Deanery.
Training course for Scouts Parish Group
26-28 June 2014
Scouts – Parish Group “Ol Moran 1”: ITC = Introductory Training Course, facilitated by Kenya Scouts Association Trainers (from Nyeri), for new members in Mwamba Troop (Secondary School Students) and Scout Leaders. The Adventure continues…!
The Bells have arrived!
The bells for the new Church, from Vicenza (Italy) have arrived to Ol Moran on Saturday night 21 June 2014. On Sunday 22, after the Mass, Christians got the chance to admire them, with great enthusiasm. In few days the bells will ring from the top of the new bell-tower.
Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
Eucharistic Procession and Blessing to the whole Parish on the feast of “Corpus Christi” (The Body and Blood of Christ) with participation of all Associations and Groups.
Vigil of Pentecost
Youth Vigil “Moto wa Pentekoste”, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Started in prayer in front of the fire; meditation on the message for peace by Pope John XXIII; eventually entertainments & dances.