What was contributed during the Parish Charitable Day on Holy Thursday, last 6th April, and during Lent Season, has been distributed to the poor and to the needy families of our Parish, with the help of our Sisters, the Scouts, and Local Church Leaders. Thanks to all who contributed: it is a great blessing when a community grows in charity and mercy... but you should also know how happy our brothers were as they received such a support!
Ol Moran, May 2023
#saintmarkolmoran #community #charity
Annual general meeting of the catechists
February 4th 2023
All Catechists from the 5 Parishes of Ng'arua Deanery (Kinamba, Mochongoi, Muhotetu, Sipili, Ol Moran) gathered today at Sipili for their Annual General Meeting at the beginning of a New Pastoral Year.
Catechists worked on the following agendas:
1) Elections of a new Catechists Deanery COMMITTEE.
2) Launching of new PRAYER BOOKS in Kiswahili and English for our Deanery (Prayers, Rosary, Way of the Cross, Mourning, Christmas Novena), as well as the Book for Catechists leading Sunday Service (Ibada ya Neno) in Kiswahili.
3) Programs of FORMATION ...