Opening of new LERA LOCAL CHURCH and blessing of new School facilities.
Lera is one of the remote areas of our Parish on the side of Laikipia North, but now there we have our 22nd Local Church.
The first Mass was led by the Parish Priest Fr. Giacomo, who also blessed the new school facilities, assisted by the Church Catechist Simon Njoroge. Mr. Daniel Mugo, PPC Coordinator, represented the Parish Leaders. Chief Daniel Eshikon was also there on behalf of the Administration. Elders, women, children and pupils gave joyful thanks to the Lord, together with several members from Lounyek Local Church.
The school buildings are the result of a ...
Fr. Giovanni Volpato is visiting Ol Moran this week, together with Fr. Paolo Ferrazzo, Director of the Missionary Office of the Diocese of Venice.
Fr. John Volpato started Ol Moran Parish in 1997, and served as the Parish Priest until December 2008.
Welcome Fr. Babu! Welcome Fr. Paul!
July 2023
#saintmarkolmoran #evangelization #community
Blessing of new Development Projects at the Parish School
Blessing of new Development Projects at the Parish School Tumaini Academy ,with the whole school after the weekly Holy Mass:
1) New classrooms block for Junior High School.
2) School Farm Store.
3) Basketball Court.
Ol Moran, Wednesday 14 June 2023
#saintmarkolmoran #tumainiacademy #qualityeducation
Leaders Seminar, held at Mochongoi Parish, for empowering the new Parish Council and Leaders from every Local Church.
Fr. Peter Ndumu welcomed the group, Fr. Joseph Chege and Mr Elijah facilitated the topics, together with some leaders from the host Parish.
Thursday 1 June 2023.
#saintmarkolmoran #community
What was contributed during the Parish Charitable Day on Holy Thursday, last 6th April, and during Lent Season, has been distributed to the poor and to the needy families of our Parish, with the help of our Sisters, the Scouts, and Local Church Leaders. Thanks to all who contributed: it is a great blessing when a community grows in charity and mercy... but you should also know how happy our brothers were as they received such a support!
Ol Moran, May 2023
#saintmarkolmoran #community #charity