Drought Emergency: Donation from Kinangop Deanery
1 Sept 2014 – Today we have received a lorry full of potatoes, vegetables, food and other items donated with great generosity by Christians of the Parishes of Kinangop Deanery (Nyahururu Diocese) as a contribution to the “Feeding Program” organized by Ol Moran Parish to help the schools of our area to face the challenge of drought. Thanks and God bless you!
Emergenza siccità: contributo dalle parrocchie locali
Abbiamo ricevuto un camion pieno di patate, verdure e altro donato con gran generosità dalle parrocchie del vicariato del Kinangop, zona molto fertile della diocesi. E' un contributo a favore delle scuole primarie della nostra zona colpita dalla siccità.
Primary School start again
Parish Primary School Tumaini Academy start lessons today!
Inizio terzo trimestre 2014
Inizia il primo trimestre per la scuola primaria Tumaini Academy
2n week Food for Work Project
Food for Work Project - August 2014: Work in Progress, 2nd Week: enlargement of Parish dam for irrigation.